Tuesday 11 October 2016


Hey it's aspieblogger here.  Do any of you know anybody with aspergers syndrome? Do you know what aspergers is?  If you don't it is  higher functioning autism. Aspies (our own name for us)  depending on how severe have sensory issues from touch to hearing , smell,  sound or light.  People may think that we are incapable of feelings but we are.  We get confused when people ask if we are having fun or if we are happy.  Believe me we are it is just that from personal experience that when I am smiling it doesn't show on my face.  It does not mean I am incapable.  It is a lifelong condition.  Aspies usually have to, learn social skills while neurotyoicals pick them up instantly so try not to be offended if someone with apserhers says something inappropriate they, just don't realize that, they, have caused offence.